Sunday, October 25, 2009

Busy at Home

Once we got home from the hospital things got really busy. There were car trips and a walk on the beach. There was sitting, strolling, swinging, spending time with relatives and of course, for brief periods, sleeping.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

In the Hospital

There were lots of cool things that I did in the hospital. One day I had a bath, I often did sleep for brief periods, I watched TV with my Dad, and one day I celebrated Easter by resting in an enormous bib. One day I got to go out of the hospital with Dad and Gram to see my new pediatrician, Dr. Chun. Momma's favorite activity in the hospital was called a "hearing test". She was so excited! This very patient lady hooked me up to a computer and Momma got to watch to see that my ears were working. Dad helped by lending me his finger to suck.

I Was Born

Well, I guess by now everyone knows I was born (I have been so busy growing and learning new things that it's been difficult to keep up with my blogging!) Anyway, I tried to come out of Momma one way but this doctor kept scratching my head, which I didn't like, so I decided to just wait and see what would happen next. Eventually Drs. Hebert and Burke came in and got me! I went with Dad to be weighed and measured and cleaned up and then we went back and sat with Momma until she was ready to leave the operating room. Momma got sick (maybe it was the food?) and had to stay in the hospital for ten days. Of course Dad and I stayed with her to keep her company (also, she was my food source). Many people came to visit us--Granny, Gram and Grandpaw were there when I was born and many days after that but my brother Travis, Auntie Christy, Tammee and even Dr. Ramos all came also to visit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Shower

Hi Everyone! My Gram and Aunt Christy threw a BIG party to celebrate me coming! Lots of my mom's friends were there, some people that she had not seen in a really long time! There was lots of tasty food and special favors with my name on them! There were special cupcake and a cake made out of diapers! Everyone decorated clothes for me and played silly games like baby bingo. I got lots and lots and LOTS of presents--it was AWESOME.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Greetings from the Womb!

Hello, It's me, Connor...As you can see from my photo I am getting much bigger. So big that I am almost ready to be born. My family decided that they'd better get ready. Everybody had a job to do. Big things are happening in my bedroom!
My daddy is creating the most beautiful nursery. Travis helped him put up some wood for the crown molding. Just wait until you see the final result.
Piper is learning how to retrieve a diaper (a clean one).
While Snoop (who is a little afraid of children!) is busy practicing running away!
Peggy on the other hand is (wisely) getting plenty of rest so that she'll be ready for many sleepless nights after I arrive.